Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Black
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*UV Resistant: No
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: No
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Black
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Black
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Coverage Area: 44-50 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Brown
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*UV Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Brown
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Tintable: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*UV Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Canary Yellow
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Canary Yellow
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Canary Yellow
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Coverage Area: 44-50 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*UV Resistant: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Clean Red
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*UV Resistant: No
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Tintable: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Clean Red
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Coverage Area: 44-50 sq. ft.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Deep Green
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Water Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Designer White
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*UV Resistant: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Designer White
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Designer White
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Coverage Area: 44-50 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Regal Blue
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1/2 pt.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Coverage Area: 22-25 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Tintable: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Water Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone High-hide
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: Yes
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone High-hide
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Tintable: Yes
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Coverage Area: 88-100 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*UV Resistant: No
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Tintable: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Coverage Area: 88-100 sq. ft.
*Tintable: Yes
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Ultra White Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Full Cure Time: 1 week
*Tintable: Yes
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Clark+Kensington
*Sheen: High-Gloss
*Color: Tintable Base
*Base Type: Ultra White Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Paint and Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 88-100 sq. ft.
*Recommended Surface: For interior or exterior properly prepared surfaces.
*Clean Up: Water and Soap
*Tintable: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Full Cure Time: 1 week